Newsletter & Family Devotion

Message updates about the church and encouragement on how to have a Godly marriage and relationship with your kids from Pastor Doug.

May Newsletter

Are You Breaking OR Obeying God’s 10 Commandments?

Church Family, sadly, even most Christians are breaking many of the 10 Commandments on a regular basis. Are you? Are we? Today, we begin a journey through God’s 10 Commandments, and family, their still God’s 10 Commandments! He wants you to honor and obey these commandments. They’re foundational for our faith and relationship with Him and others.

Exodus 20:3, (God Said) “You shall have no other gods before me.” This is God’s first command. And the order God put the 10 Commandments in, is not haphazard or by accident. God intentionally put the first one first. Why? Because it’s the most important one! “You shall have no other gods before Me.” What’s the Principle here? There are actually two important principles here. ONE: No other gods! Nothing else should rule your life. No one else, that includes any person. No one else should be above God! TWO: Put God first in your life! God says, “I demand top priority in your life. I’m not going to play second fiddle to anything.” God deserves to be #1 in your life. Remember, God made you and loves you. If He hadn’t made you, you wouldn’t even be around. Everything you have in life is from God. He’s given it to you, and He’s allowed you to both earn it and have it. And then, after you and I sinned, which separates us from our Holy God, God came in human form in Jesus. Jesus willingly died in our place to pay for our sin, to offer us a relationship again, blessing, purpose, and eternal life in Heaven someday. So don’t tell me God doesn’t deserve to be above all other and first!

So, let’s get practical. What does it mean to “have no other gods before Me”? Some of you might say: “Well, I thought there was only ONE God?” There is only ONE True God. The word “gods” is written with a small “g”. He’s not talking about “God”—as in a deity. He’s talking about little gods. What is a small ‘g’ god? A small g god is anything that dominates your life OR controls your life. Can a career or work be a god? YES, you bet it can. Can money be your god? YES, easily. Can another person be a god? YES, they can. Can golf or camping be a god? YES, any activity or hobby can become a god? YES, even good things that God’s created for us to enjoy can become gods. How do they become small g gods? When you give them 1ST PLACE in your life. God says: “That’s wrong! I deserve first place in your life.”

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “I don’t make other things, pursuits, or people gods. Yes, sadly many of us do. For instance, most of us work, play on our phone, do chores, talk to friends, watch tv, and many other things every day. Yet, we don’t read our Bible or talk to God every day! Actions and priorities speak LOUDER than words! You may even feel like you love God above all other. But again, actions and priorities speak louder than words. Here’s another simple example, God commands us to keep the Sabbath day holy. That means set apart for time with Him and other Christians at church in worship. We’ll talk more about this when we get to this fourth commandment. But again, when we work, when we do chores, when we sleep in because we’re tired, or enjoy hobbies on Sunday—instead of being in church, worshipping Him, as He commands—Family, actions and priorities speak louder than words. Do your chores, enjoy that hobby, or take a nap when you get home.

So, let me challenge you to really search your heart, not with the casual, Americanized commitment to Jesus, we see all through the church today, but with a biblical Commitment to Jesus that says I’m all in! Jesus said, “If you obey my commands, then you’re loving me.” John 14:15. Family, we’re talking about loving God, not our salvation. We’re saved by grace, but we love God by obeying His commands. This first commandment is the foundation of the 10 commandments. It’s the most important. If we fail to obey this command, we’ll fail in all the other commandments. “You shall have no other gods before me.”

So, let’s truly make God, GOD! Let’s keep Him above all other things and people. Let’s keep Him first in all things, not with lip service, but in action and priority!

We love you all!

Pastor Doug and Julie


May Marriage Devotion

Guys, isn’t it true that sports have clear rules, and everyone knows exactly what it requires to win? Some guys struggle with marriage, and it’s not because they don’t love their wife; it’s because in marriage, the “rules” aren’t as clearly defined, so he struggles to know what “winning” at marriage really looks like. So, here’s some rules or guidelines guys.

13 things husbands should do for their wife (In no particular order)

  1. Thank her often for all she does and tell her how much you appreciate her.

It’s important to regularly communicate your LOVE, but it’s also very important to communicate your APPRECIATION for her. When she knows she’s appreciated by you, she’ll simultaneously feel more loved by you. Don’t take for granted that she knows how thankful you are for her and for all she does, tell her often.

  1. Tell her that she’s beautiful.

Research has shown that the happiest couples have a wife who feels adored by her husband and a husband who often expresses his adoration for her and his attraction to her. As times goes on and bodies age, insecurities can set in. Through every season of marriage, she needs to know that when you see her, you see your beautiful one true love. Tell her often. Your words will make her more confident and there’s nothing more beautiful than confidence!

  1. Continue to ask her out on dates. Keep pursuing her!

Don’t stop dating just because you’re married! Keep dating each other. Make time together a priority and actually ask her out. Make a big deal of it. Let her know she’s ALWAYS worth your best efforts. Don’t give her your leftovers. KEEP PURSUING HER.

  1. Encourage and support her dreams.

Don’t make everything about your dreams. Focus on her dreams too. Celebrate her wins. Support her passions and pursuits. Encourage her to try new things and “go for it” in areas she’s always wanted to pursue. If you want to “win” at your marriage, make it your mission to help your wife win at her goals.

  1. Talk positively to her and talk positively about her to others.

When you talk positively TO your wife, you’ll make her feel more loved and respected. When you talk positively ABOUT your wife, you’ll be letting the world around you know how much you love and respect your wife which is the first line of defense against adultery and negative influences in your marriage. The tone of your words can shape the tone of your marriage!

  1. Give physical affection without always expecting sex.

Most guys equate all physical affection as foreplay leading to SEX. While sex is very important and should be a huge priority in your marriage, she wants and needs your affection outside the bedroom too. When you hold hands, put your arms around her, give her a back massage or a gentle caress without automatically expecting sex, it will bring you both closer together. Ironically, it will probably enhance your sex life too!

  1. Pray with her and pray for her.

I believe in the power of prayer, and I believe that praying together with your wife is one of the most intimate acts you can share as a married couple. Also pray for her throughout the day. You might be the only person in her life who is consistently praying for her. God uses prayer to change our circumstances, but He also uses prayer to change our perspective and bring us closer to those we’re praying for. Prayer can help your marriage. Give it a try.

  1. Put her preferences ahead of your own.

The happiest husbands I know are men who have learned to serve their wives by allowing her preferences to win most of the time. Don’t argue with her over the paint color in the living room. Let her pick! Don’t always be the one holding the remote control. Don’t always pick the restaurant. Let her preferences be the default choice most of the time and you’ll BOTH be happier. Seriously.

  1. Communicate with her about EVERYTHING.

Yes, we’re often bad at this one guys. Most women have a need for communication that is every bit as strong as the typical man’s need for sex. Open up to her. She’s going to feel most connected to you, when you’re making effort to connect with her. Don’t shut down when she’s asking you about your day. Give her the details. She wants to be connected to every part of your world. Communicating with her shows your love and will make her feel connected and secure in the relationship.

  1. Value her more than you value your career, money or hobbies. That other stuff can’t love you back! Show her with your TIME that she’s your top priority.

I’m obviously not saying that you shouldn’t have a job, or you shouldn’t have hobbies, BUT I am giving you a warning that most of us guys struggle to keep these things in balance. We’re drawn to careers and certain hobbies because we can “keep score” (with earning money or winning awards) in a way that validates or egos. Relationships don’t have those kinds of measurable metrics, BUT relationships are where the real treasures are found. There’s not greater blessing in your life than your wife. Never make her compete for your attention. Give her your best. Show her that she’s your top priority.

  1. When you’ve blown it, admit it.

Take responsibility and APOLOGIZE. Don’t let your pride get in the way and make matters worse. You’re human, so you’re going to mess up sometimes. You’re going to say things you should not have said and do things you should not have done. When that happens, don’t make excuses. Don’t pass the blame. Don’t give partial apologies like, “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings” or “I’m sorry, BUT…” Instead, own it. Be genuine and humble. Tell her that you were wrong, and you want to work to rebuild the trust you’ve broken.

  1. Never give up on her. Never make her doubt your commitment to her.

The strength of your commitment will determine the strength of your marriage. A “perfect marriage” is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other! Remind her of your commitment daily. Show it by your words and your actions. Keep going even through times of struggle and you’ll grow stronger and closer together through every season of life!

  1. Be the spiritual leader in your home.

The Bible says in Ephesians 5:23 and 25, “For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the Savior…25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” Husbands, God calls us to be the spiritual leader. That doesn’t mean hoarding authority over them. That means leading in loving God and encouraging the family to love God and get to church. That means living, loving and looking like Jesus! Believe me, your wife wants you to do this, and this will change everything for good. Guys, fall in love with Jesus and your wife will fall more in love with you! Be the spiritual leader!




Isaiah 54:2-3, “Enlarge your house of worship; build an addition…and spare no expense! Soon you will be bursting at the seams.” NLCT
God’s called us to reach unchurched people and bring them into our family. Most People want to attend Worship on Sunday between 10:30 and 11am. We need to expand our Worship Center and add bathrooms so we can reach more people.
Pray about giving above your tithes to the Building Fund Each month! Remember you can’t out give God!
